Holly in the Press
4-15-2017 Interview with Special Ed/Section 504 Radio Hour regarding Discussion regarding IEEs: http://cypressradio.org/louis-geigerman.html
6-27-2017 Interview with Houston Press: From Incidents With Rattlesnakes to Broken Jaws, Texas Public Schools Are Immune From Lawsuits: http://www.houstonpress.com/news/texas-public-schools-are-protected-from-lawsuits-9538890
1-29-2018 Interview with KHOU 11: Spring Family Suing Klein ISD Over Bullying: Over Bullying:
6-5-2018 Interview with Fox 26: Tasing of Disabled Students Triggers Lawsuit Against Katy ISD: http://www.fox26houston.com/news/tasing-of-disabled-student-triggers-lawsuit-against-katy-isd
6-60-2018 Live Interview with Isiah Carey on Fox 26: Lawsuit Filed After Taser Used On Special Needs Student: http://www.fox26houston.com/news/the-isiah-factor/lawsuit-filed-after-taser-used-on-special-needs-student
6-7-2018 Interview with Channel 39: Katy ISD Facing Civil Rights Lawsuit After Special Needs Student Tased 7 Times in 25 Seconds: https://cw39.com/2018/06/07/katy-isd-facing-federal-civil-rights-lawsuit-after-special-needs-student-tased-seven-times/
6-23-2018 Interview with Special Ed/Section 504 Radio Hour regarding abuse of children at school:
8-30-2018 Live Interview with Morning News Extra on Fox 26: Interview regarding legal and practical options for parents of children who are bullied in school.
1-19-2019 Interview with VoyageHouston: Meet Holly Griffith Terrell:
2-19-2020 Interview with ABC 13 Eyewitness News (KTRK-TV): Mother Claims Her Child With Special Needs Was Forced To Perform Sex Act On School Bus: https://abc13.com/katy-school-bus-oral-sex/5949923/
2-21-2020 Telemundo Houston: Denuncian presunto incidente de carácter sexual en autobús de Katy ISD: https://www.telemundohouston.com/noticias/local/denuncian-presunto-incidente-de-caracter-sexual-en-autobus-de-katy-isd/2087850/